A Reflection From Fr Ron
This Weeks Readings:
Deuteronomy 26: 26: 1-11
Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-16
Romans 10: 4-1-15
The Gospel according to Luke 4: 1-15
Luke 4: 1-15 - ‘Jesus was led by the Spirit in the
God had called Jesus to leave his home and to begin
a public life of self-giving and service.
From the very start, the forces of evil tried to
dissuade him.
His response to each temptation was the same –
he refused to rely on material things, or power, or
his ability to impress others. He relied on God alone.
This is the same thing God’s people learned, as we see in the first reading. The more they grew in
numbers, the more they threatened the rulers of Egypt, who responded with oppression and persecution.
In their misery, they called on God, and, relying on his power and strength,
they were rescued out of Egypt and led to the Promised Land.
Lord, when we are tempted, help us to rely not on our own strength,
but rather to trust in you and your power, by which all things can be overcome.
Peace and Grace to you.
Fr Ron.

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