Children and Family

Messy Church is held on the 4th Sunday of the month 4 - 6pm
Messy Church is a way of being church for all ages, involving experiences and fun. It does not prioritise either the needs of children or adults, but intentionally welcomes and provides for all ages. It is particularly fitting for families who may not find other forms of church appealing.
What does a typical Messy Church look like? We start with an activity-based learning time (craft, sport, cooking, games etc.) where individuals can choose which activities appeal most to them. After that, we all come together for a time of reflection (approximately 5 - 10 minutes), connecting what we have done in the activities to our theme for the evening (generosity, thankfulness, love, family etc.). This short time of reflection may include activities such as stories, symbols, listening to music, prayer and reading from the Bible or a poem. After the reflection we all share in a family dinner (which is provided) and enjoy each other’s company.
Keep an eye on facebook for details and updates, or email our office to join the mailing list (or phone us on 9580 1192 - if the phone is unattended, the call will be automatically diverted to Fr Ron's mobile).
Sunday Service
Our Sunday Service Starts at 9.15 am and goes for about an hour, with morning tea afterwards.
There are also activities available in the Church space, for children who wish to stay in the service, that connects them with what is going on. We welcome older children to be involved in helping with our worship.
Baptism, Admission to Communion, Confirmation.
These rites of the Christian faith require preparation for children, and parents concerned. We strive to support, encourage, and enable open discussion throughout this journey.
Parents are encouraged to grow in understanding and practice of their faith. Regular attendance at Sunday Worship, and interaction with fellow worshipers, also helps grow understanding and practice in our faith, and encounter with God.
When Jesus uttered his beautiful words, ‘let the children come to me and do not hinder them’ (Matt 19:14) he set the benchmark for us. We want to continue to be a Church where children and families are welcome and participate fully. We want to be an open community where people of all ages gather and interact. We want to be a Church where children and young people are fully engaged and have every opportunity to flourish and grow. We want to be a safe place and to put no barriers in place that will harm or hinder children and young people.
Please see our Safe Ministry Policy , Statement of Commitment for Child Safety and Wellbeing and
Code of Conduct for Child Safety documents for full information.